Organising your 2021 Kick Off Meeting
In this very short video Albert and Neil talk about their thoughts on Organising your 2021 kick off meeting. Clearly as we go into 2021 all kick off meetings will be virtual. Albert and Neil are organising several small and large kick off events for companies and share some of the benefits of doing this, and how to do this during the short video. If you would like to chat to them to get their advice or find out how they could help your business then please drop us a mail –

About Albert
Albert is keen to share his learnings from climbing the leadership ladder from Team Leader to Manager to Executive over a 30+ year career in corporate IT Services. His experience includes being the formally appointed leader of teams as small as 10 and businesses in excess of 1,200 employees, whilst also voluntarily being mentor to existing Managers/Executives looking to improve/progress and Professionals aspiring to leadership.

About Neil
Neil is passionate about leadership and enabling people to be the best leaders they can be. After 30 years leading small and large national and global teams for a large corporate, he has spent the past 5 years helping companies from many industries and of every size to shape and develop their businesses and leaders.